For a time we may be the custodians of buildings that have already lived well, and it falls to us to ensure that they remain relevant and up to the demands of the time in which we live.
Heritage buildings demand an understanding of traditional design principles, construction techniques and highly skilled craftsmen. Architecture is a language that crosses time and place and there must be a truth in the retelling to bring continuity to the building. A house is more lovely when the angles put up by the human eye are refined by the passage of time.
featured projects
thompson street
Seamless connections between indoor and outdoor spaces invite an abundance of natural light, in juxtaposition to the typical "dark heart" of 19th century homes which often did not see the value in natural light.
bradleys head road
Inappropriate and unsympathetic alternations and additions were demolished and new additions constructed for a family who had taken on the role of custodians.
the grove
An Arts and Crafts house made from simple materials built in a time when men took pleasure in a well-made thing and when the angles were put up using the human eye only.
raglan street
An existing Federation house located in a conservation area in the Sydney suburb of Mosman. This extensive renovation removed all earlier unsympathetic and dark additions.
longueville house
A new house in a beautiful spot on the Lane Cove River built with traditional design principles and elements to deal with the hot western sun as it would have been dealt with a long time ago.